14 December 2010

the paradox of war

"When the fighters are all around,
All the lovers are on the ground..."
(Lupe Fiasco)

13 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 10: person you do crazy shit with

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most fucked up things with.

Whether we're getting wasted at her birthday and dancing all over glass, or randomly running down the street from my mother at a teenage New Years celebration (for no reason- Mom wasn't even looking for us), my best friend/sister from another moms Bee is someone I always end up doing crazy shit with.

The first time we got piffed in the 9th grade we ended up at some forest (after I'd bought a XXXL hoodie, convinced it would hide the smell) with our distaster of a spliff, vowing never to tell anyone about our adventure. She was right by my side as my birthday/New Years Eve took a crazy turn in Montreal, and I can never forget our countless midnight adventures as 15 year olds who thought they were so cool staying out till 2 am on a weekday.
We've gone to wild parties, witnessed crazy moments that you wouldn't even believe if I told you, and encountered some of the most psychotic characters the world has to offer. One of my only memories of my first part-time job (which of course, Bee and I had together) is of us intentionally jamming nuggets, coffee, fries, sauces, and apple pies into the soft-serve ice cream machine, only to be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist when it broke.
I've gotten into more mischief with this girl than anyone else I know, and somehow I don't seem to mind. It's like we feed off each other's energy- almost competing with/challenging each other to do fucked up things (like the time she bought me chocolate-covered crickets and dared me to eat them). Anyone who knows either of us always seems to know that when one of us is in trouble or doing something reckless, the other ones nearby.

I look forward to doing so much more fucked up shit with Bee, and taking our reckless adventures around the world...

Lupe Verse

If hiphop could speak, I would elect Lupe Fiasco as it's voice...

12 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 9: whose gotten you through the most?

Day 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

I'm sure this is supposed to be the part where you get all sentimental, post a picture of one of your conveniently appointed "best friends" and write a bunch of crap drawing on memories when he or she "got you through" something. While that's lovely and all, and I would not be who I am or where I am today were it not for the selected number of people who have helped me overcome things, this is also an exercise in honesty and self-realization. And what I'm slowly to coming to realize is the strength of my character, the tenacity I've surprised myself with, and the amount of bullshit obstacles life has thrown my way that I alone have climbed over and can look back at with a feeling of accomplishment.

I remember around the 9th grade, when I started becoming aware of the diminishing role Christianity (and any religion for that matter) was playing in my life an being more vocal about this, people's go-to question would be: "so what do you believe in?" And in automatic response, my reply would be "myself".
But as adolescence turned adulthood, real life, failure and plenty of proverbial scrapes on my knee would soon show me: it's not that easy to believe in yourself. I mean it sounds good to, and I'm sure all those mantra's you're taught to say while looking in the mirror are beneficial, but is that real? I guess, yes and no. More and more, I'm finding that in my darkest moments and lowest points, when my friends and family have failed to be there (whether thats their fault or mine), one thing remains constant- and that is me. I disappoint myself like every other human does, I make mistakes that I can kick myself for, and I exhibit very poor errors in judgment. At the end of the day though, when shit hits the wall and no one is around to clean it up, I leave myself no choice but to pick up and move. Move on, move forth, move away, move up- just move.
While I appreciate the role my loved ones have played in ensuring my sanity and helping me pick up the broken pieces, I've learned that I cannot always rely on this extra help. 

Thus, the person who has gotten me through the most is: ME.

09 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 8: laughable picture

Day 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

Snapped a few years ago at my birthday celebrations in Montreal, this picture captures everything that night was. From a last minute change of plans that had us doing the New Years countdown with our crazy French cab driver, to ending up at a strip club and popping bottles the night away...
This foo dropped my birthday cake, we took over that hotel floor, and we smoked a super blunt. There were more bottles in our rooms than guests, and the drive was fun, (even though its tough to coordinate a 3-car road trip). 
The people on this trip made it so worth it, and I had such an awesome birthday! 

Oh yeah, and that writing on his back? That aint even the half of it... you should've seen the makeup on his face ;)

J. Cole x 1LoveT.O.

Came across this interview J. Cole did with T-rexxx of 1 LOVE T.O. (Yaaaay Toronto!)
I love how organic his answers seem and how natural and humble he comes across as. His reactions are hilarious and that winking business is priceless...

And was it just me, or did he seem stoned? hahaha

J.Cole Interview from T-Square Media on Vimeo.

08 December 2010

R.I.P. John Lennon

R.I.P John Lennon

"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one..."
- John Winston Lennon
(Oct. 9 1940 - Dec. 8, 1980)

The Secret Trial 5

Last night I had the pleasure of attending my friend Amar Wala's website release for a film he's currently producing under working title "The Secret Trial 5".

"The Secret Trial 5 is a new crowdfunded documentary that examines the human impact of Canada’s “war on terror”; specifically the use of security certificates, a tool that allows for indefinite detention, with no charges, and secret evidence. Over the last decade, 5 men have been held under security certificates in Canada. They spent between 2 and 7 years in prison each. None of them was ever charged with a crime." 

Amar, who is producing and directing the documentary, is an award-winning filmmaker from Toronto. His short film, The Good Son captures the story of a young Egyptian refugee who is asked to translate for his father as CSIS (Canadian Securities and Intelligence Services) officers interrogate him in their home. The film is based on the true story of Mahmoud Jaballah, who is one of the subjects of the upcoming Secret Trial 5; it has been screened and awarded at various festivals worldwide.

Now, the amazing part of this entire project (other than the fact that it brings to light a Canadian issue which is largely hidden and ignored), is the crowdfunding part. "Crowd-funding describes the collective cooperation, attention and trust by people who network and pool their money together, usually via the Internet, in order to support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Crowdfunding occurs for any variety of purposes, from disaster relief to citizen journalism to artists seeking support from fans, to political campaigns." (wikipedia). And, it shall work for this film.

Please click here to donate to this project. There's a great little breakdown of how all the funds will be allotted, and a list of the benefits you get with each donated amount. You can be a part of important decisions like the movie title, movie poster design, etc.

And make sure you visit the website in the mean time. You'll be able to watch The Good Son, keep tabs on the production, visit their blogs, and learn more about security certificates. That great little animation ^^ is nothing compared to the rest of the site :).

30 Day Challenge: DAY 7: treasured item

Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.

my mind.

When time takes my most valued possessions, when expensive items I've owned get lost or destroyed, when I wake up and am having an "ugly day", and when people walk in and out of my life, there's one thing I treasure- my mind.
I love that I question things. I love that I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. I love that I'm insanely curious about the mechanics of the world, and that I seek to learn new things. I love that I can take a critical approach and that I sometimes over-analyze. I love that I can think pragmatically, but that my creativity allows me to interpret the beauty of things.

I value my mind and my thinking process.

06 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 6: someone you'd like to trade places with for a day

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

"First I snatched the streets, then I snatched the charts,
First I had they ears, now I have their hearts,
Rappers came and went,

I been here from the start.
Seen them put it together,
Watched them take it apart...

This is not an image
This is God given
This is hard livin'..."

I wanna know what it's like to walk onto a stage, and see thousands of people cheering for you.
I wanna know what it's like to be quoted by artists, academics, fans and critics alike.
I wanna know what it's like to push limits in a genre I helped shape,
and then I wanna know what it's like to set higher bars and reach those too.
I wanna know what its like to be credited, scorned, and etched in the pages of history by people who have never heard another hiphop song.
I wanna know what its like to be recognized as a creator, success story, hard worker, artist, and entrepreneur.
I wanna know what it's like to be looked up to by kids who aint got shit but a dream and a standard that I set.
I wanna know what it's like to grind for years, make millions off my grind, and then go in even harder.

Most of all, as someone making something out of nothing, I wanna know what it's like to sit in my Italian leather seat, in my penthouse suite, looking out the window at my city-skyline view, and know that I did this all for me...

"ideas shape the course of history"

"The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die, and you to live.  Which to the better fate, is known only to God."
- Socrates reported last words at trial, before drinking the fatal hemlock 

When warriors die, battles are forgotten, and inventions are replaced by new technologies, one thing survives- ideas.

They are irreversable and unalterable once shared, and can change the course of history in and of themselves. 

Ideas give birth to revolutions.
Ideas frame the era in which they are formed.
Ideas can completely change the way a society thinks- for good or bad.

When one persuasive person lays down an idea for an impressionable people, he or she has successfully altered the future actions of these people. And thats whether or not they realize it.

Ideas propel us to create.
Ideas shape our view of the divine.
Ideas can compel us to help our fellow man,
Ideas also help us destroy on a mass scale,

Ideas forever impression themselves into the pages of history...

"The Death of Socrates"

30 Day Challenge: DAY 5: favourite memory

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

Sharm (Red Sea), Egypt- 2010

Some of my favourite memories always seem to stem from my trips to Egypt. I've discovered close family members, met new friends and family, partied till the sun came up and experienced new sounds, tastes, and views. I've spent countless hours reading on a sunny beach, travelled horseback/camelback and aboard a plane/train/antique car/boat/ and any other transport imaginable. I've marvelled at the creations of my ancestors, learned what we as Canadians take for granted, broadened my political palette, and met people from all walks of life who have left ineraseable impressions on me. 

Most of all, I learned a lot about myself and my place in the bigger picture. And those are the sort of memories one can never seem to forget...

04 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 4: my night

Day 4: A picture of your night

(Photo courtesy of: Karla 'Hustlegrl' Moy)

Getting to see my favourite rapper perform, right in the front of the crowd, with VIP tickets and an after-party to match: Need I say more?

What do YOU want from life?

I was flipping through the paper yesterday, and came across a little blurb about Deepak Chopra's upcoming Toronto visit. Chopra is a celebrated, well-respected doctor and author, and is often considered "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine".
Anyway, as much as I've heard about this ground-breaking thinker, and as big a fan I am of his tweets, I cannot actually say I've read any of his books. But, there were a couple of quotes in this blurb that really stuck out to me:
"Slow down, then practice body awareness and meditation... Remain centered no matter what and breathe through it. Ask yourself, 'who am I and what do I really want from life?'..."

So simple, yet so profound. I donno about you guys, but I definitely can speak for myself when I say that is a fundamental question which I don't really know I've ever answered. I mean we all have our little existential moments in which we ask ourselves who we are- whenever we second-guess ourselves, kick ourselves in the ass for something we did or failed to do, or questioned an observation someone made about us. Then there are those of us who consciously look in the mirror and seek to find who we are-our essence, what distinguishes us from the rest of the human race.

But I doubt I am alone in realizing that I don't really ask what I want out of life. Its almost like when JFK famously said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country", but in reverse. I mean we get caught up in so much bullshit that we're forced to think in a "me against the world" mentality. We can instantly come up with a list of shit that isn't working out for us, roadblocks we've met with, and failures we've experienced. I often find myself grumbling about how "idle" I feel in life, or wishing "this and that" were to happen.

The point is though, that sort of thinking, and a failure to clearly outline (if only to ourselves) what we WANT OUT OF LIFE is only gonna result in not getting what we want. I need to face myself, and be honest about what I want. What am I asking of the universe? (remember that old Bible psalm:"Ask and ye shall receive? Well, same idea). Only when we lay that out can we construct the path that might quickly reach us there. Having a vague idea of what sort of result you're looking for wont work either: I gotta know with every fibre of my being that THIS is what I want out of life- this is the end I hope to reach through means x, y, and z...

As one of my favourite lines in The Alchemist goes, "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."

02 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 3: favourite cast

Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

I've grown up with them (even though they never actually age), and they've been the source of much of my laughter over the years. I would not be the same me if I wasn't quoting Homer's stupidest statements, imitating Sideshow Bob's evil British accent, or analyzing episode-by-episode.

I see a little bit of each character in me: Lisa's cute nerdiness, Homer's ditzy moments, Bart's bad-ass-ness, Marge's worrisome moments, Selma & Louise's roasting sessions, and Moe's constant search for anyone who cares about him.

The Simpsons has always been one of my favourite shows, and like the timeless characters on it, I'm pleased with the new episodes but treasure all the classics...