06 December 2010

"ideas shape the course of history"

"The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways--I to die, and you to live.  Which to the better fate, is known only to God."
- Socrates reported last words at trial, before drinking the fatal hemlock 

When warriors die, battles are forgotten, and inventions are replaced by new technologies, one thing survives- ideas.

They are irreversable and unalterable once shared, and can change the course of history in and of themselves. 

Ideas give birth to revolutions.
Ideas frame the era in which they are formed.
Ideas can completely change the way a society thinks- for good or bad.

When one persuasive person lays down an idea for an impressionable people, he or she has successfully altered the future actions of these people. And thats whether or not they realize it.

Ideas propel us to create.
Ideas shape our view of the divine.
Ideas can compel us to help our fellow man,
Ideas also help us destroy on a mass scale,

Ideas forever impression themselves into the pages of history...

"The Death of Socrates"

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