06 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 5: favourite memory

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

Sharm (Red Sea), Egypt- 2010

Some of my favourite memories always seem to stem from my trips to Egypt. I've discovered close family members, met new friends and family, partied till the sun came up and experienced new sounds, tastes, and views. I've spent countless hours reading on a sunny beach, travelled horseback/camelback and aboard a plane/train/antique car/boat/ and any other transport imaginable. I've marvelled at the creations of my ancestors, learned what we as Canadians take for granted, broadened my political palette, and met people from all walks of life who have left ineraseable impressions on me. 

Most of all, I learned a lot about myself and my place in the bigger picture. And those are the sort of memories one can never seem to forget...

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