13 December 2010

30 Day Challenge: DAY 10: person you do crazy shit with

Day 10: A picture of the person you do the most fucked up things with.

Whether we're getting wasted at her birthday and dancing all over glass, or randomly running down the street from my mother at a teenage New Years celebration (for no reason- Mom wasn't even looking for us), my best friend/sister from another moms Bee is someone I always end up doing crazy shit with.

The first time we got piffed in the 9th grade we ended up at some forest (after I'd bought a XXXL hoodie, convinced it would hide the smell) with our distaster of a spliff, vowing never to tell anyone about our adventure. She was right by my side as my birthday/New Years Eve took a crazy turn in Montreal, and I can never forget our countless midnight adventures as 15 year olds who thought they were so cool staying out till 2 am on a weekday.
We've gone to wild parties, witnessed crazy moments that you wouldn't even believe if I told you, and encountered some of the most psychotic characters the world has to offer. One of my only memories of my first part-time job (which of course, Bee and I had together) is of us intentionally jamming nuggets, coffee, fries, sauces, and apple pies into the soft-serve ice cream machine, only to be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist when it broke.
I've gotten into more mischief with this girl than anyone else I know, and somehow I don't seem to mind. It's like we feed off each other's energy- almost competing with/challenging each other to do fucked up things (like the time she bought me chocolate-covered crickets and dared me to eat them). Anyone who knows either of us always seems to know that when one of us is in trouble or doing something reckless, the other ones nearby.

I look forward to doing so much more fucked up shit with Bee, and taking our reckless adventures around the world...

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