30 June 2010


“Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think.”

--Robert Henri

Just thought I'd give you all a peek into some of my time spent here.
These are some of the photos, unedited, that I snapped during my stay in Alexandria, Egypt.

Alexandria is Egypt's largest sea port, extending 32 km along the Mediterranean Sea.
Founded in 331 B.C by Alexander the Great, it became one of the most famous cities of the ancient world. 

Above anything else I did here, I loved going to the beach and walking along the coast at night..
Enjoy the photos!

Until next time!

29 June 2010

Prescriptions for Life

"I'm starting with the man woman in the mirror,
I'm asking her to make a change...."

- MJ


One city, 20 world leaders, thousands of protestors

ASooo, since I couldn't be home to join in on all the festivities, I thought I would share some of the action that took place over this past weekend in Toronto, where the G:20 Summit was held...

Aaaaand, finally for the grand finale,


I sat in the same cafe, smoking a new flavour of shisha while enjoying me same ice cream flavour of choice- mango.
I admired the same Mediterranean sea scene I had often thought about back home...
Familiar faces surrounded me: the same cafe owner, the same janitor and the same waiters who'd served me several times on my last trip here two years ago. Admittedly, I didn't give it much thought. And then a familiar face passed by that forced me to pause and reflect...
It was that of a boy I also remembered from my last trip, walking down the street cafe to cafe (as so many others do), earning his bread by selling a load of overpriced "Made in China" goods. I remembered how he had etched his image into my mind being a kid so many years younger than me, out so late toiling in a fruitless job that probably earned his family next to nothing. I remember wishing I could buy his whole load of goods, a naïve thought my young mind had concocted.
I remember my parents trying to comfort me with glamourized thoughts of how he probably had lots of money and would return home to a big dinner.
But this boy walking in front of me, pausing every so often to readjust the heavy load, his tanned face hardened with new lines I didn't remember- giving him the appearance of someone beyond his years- was NOTHING like the protagonist of their fairytale...
I guess some things really do change, and some don't...

26 June 2010

Day 18

DAY 18

So, damn.. I haven't written here in a while. It's like the more free time I have, the less time I have to dedicate to writing..or blogging...or doing whatever it is I'm doing here.
So needless to say, I haven't had to give up the little bits of modern technology that have made my life both comfortable and enjoyable back home. Nights spent locked up in this apartment with my iTouch, Blackberry, Macbook and digicam often cause me to forget I've even left Toronto, and I have yet to decide if thats a good thing or a bad thing.

Anyways, so much and so little have happened that I don't even know where to begin...
My sister's decided to adopt a kitten we found, and we've named him 'El Masry' (The Egyptian). She's cute and all, but I definitely remember why I do not wish to have babies anytime soon.
I've seen about half a dozen movies, due to the late theatre showtimes (think 1 am), and lack of other activities to do in Alexandria. I really enjoyed 'Robinhood', largely because of its historical focus and cast of brilliant actors, like Russel Crowe and Kate Blanchett.
"Rise and rise again
Until lambs become lions"
(It'll make sense if you watch it, trust me).

Ummm, above all, I've got to enjoy some beautiful beaches and have greedily soaked up some Vitamin D.  Its about the only time I feel safe and/or inspired to go on solo walks. I've snapped some beautiful phtotos and seen some scenes (hehe, how Jay Z of me) that have truly inspired new awe and amazement at all that nature has to offer, if only we'd shut the hell up and listen with our eyes.

I guess the anthropologist in me is fascinated by the Egyptian people. Their infinite patience and friendliness is only outweighed by their child-like curiosity. They have a poetic, articulate way of speaking their mind. The combination of endearing shyness, and admirable boldness I've seen in these people is something that I severely need in my life. Most of all, I respect how humble and grateful to God they are, and although we often have completely polar views on religion, morality and philosophy, I am able to learn something new from each person I encounter...

20 June 2010

to the leading man in my life...

Dear Papa,
As I sit here smoking shisha with you in the country you taught me to take pride in and love, I can't help but think back to when I was a kid...
To the days when you used to sit me on your lap and tell me about your trips around the world, forever instilling in me the need to explore everything around me. To the days you used to swing me by my arms and tickle me till I begged you to stop, forever reminding me that youth is in the heart. To the nights when I would sit in by bed and wait for the key in the door, ensuring that you were home from a long day of work and providing me with the key values of hard work and persistence. And to all the times you would buy me a Happy Meal and wait patiently for me to eat it before going home to eat your own meal, reminding me what real dedication and selflessness is.
Papa, I've always felt blessed to have a special bond with you. Your disciplined upbringing and no-nonsense attitude would subside for your children, long enough to let us enjoy your underlying playfullness, infectious sense of humour and rare gentleness. You never once put yourself above us and you would go through any amount of bullshit to make sure your family was happy and satisfied, and for that I will forever be grateful.
In always being honest, sometimes to the point of brashness, you taught me so much about the world. You taught me to love with my actions rather than my words, never to take no for an answer, and to do anything in my power for those I love. In your silly anecdotes and countless shared memories, you made me feel just how truly important I am. Ill always remember how happy you would say you were when you learned you would be having another girl, and that no amount of boys would replace that. In doing so, you taught me to be a strong and independent women, and never to rely on a man (other than you, that is!).
You will never truly understand how much I appreciate every good deed, lesson, action and word you have given me. You will never know how much joy I felt looking down at your proud, approving face as you watched me accept awards, receive diplomas, deliver speeches and be the best person I know how to be.
I don't know how much time I have left in this world with you, and I don't know if I could ever really express how I feel about you. Although you always tried your best to keep me from thinking about how the unforgiving hands of time will logically take you away in its grip one day, possibly soon, I know that I will ALWAYS treasure all of these things I have grown to love about you, and your beautiful soul.
I pray that I can one day marry someone who is half the man you are, but I know there will only ever be one Superman in my life, and that is you...
I love you my protector, entertainer, care-giver, provider, and hero.
I love YOU papa, always and forever..

A grateful, loving daddy's girl

15 June 2010


*cue Alicia Keys' "Superwoman"...*

The oppressive heat, combined with the impossible traffic and the over-capacity car allowed me to momentarily slip into a state of deep contemplation, daydreaming of sorts.

The images of women covered head to toe, outnumbered by males of all ages faded in and out of my mind.
I pictured a land in which roles were reversed. A world where men were forced, or "chose" (as many of them argue), to cover their own head and bodies in loose burkas and hijabs. A world in which everyday these men were reminded of their subordinate positions, by virtue of their confinement in the head coverings. How would life then be if they were forced to brave scorching heat and crowded streets in an item designed to hide them, keeping them forgotten behind masks...

12 June 2010

We pride ourselves on having the latest technology and weaponry, building awe-inspiring architecture, and having sophisticated communications systems. But the moment we are required to show one ounce of humanity to fellow man, we begin to devolve...

I've been here 4 days and while its true that I had to get used to things like having no microwave, or having unreliable WIFI, I've also seen human spirit and the value of comradery far outweighing anything I've witnessed back home in the "modern world". People back home worship the mighty dollar, praising everything that brand new luxury car represents. Meanwhile down here, I witnessed a crowd of strangers rush to the aide of a car crash victim, bare-handedly extracting his body from the wreck of his once brand new, American car...

What is modernity?

10 June 2010

Greetings from the sunny side


Half an hour into the flight I’ve already had 4 shots of the Malibu Rum we’ve bought at the duty-free shop. I’m already craving a milkshake and a juicy burger, but the impressive movie selection keeps me occupied from missing anything else. I also foolishly packed my iPod Touch in one of my checked in bags, and I’m suddenly craving a Drake fix. The flight crew is overly friendly, and I wonder why one of the attendants keeps offering my seat neighbour (mommy) glasses of champagne.
Watching out of the window as we took off from Toronto was one of the most significant images I’ve seen in a while. The CN tower was clearly visible, and the contrasting lakes surrounding the building clusters was a scene only really appreciated at a view from the top….

(pictures will be up anytime now)


I’m sitting here on the balcony in Cairo, jamming to some Bob Marley joints while smoking a joint (yeeea, stop judging!) and I wish everyone could see this view.

I don’t know if it’s that Middle Eastern hash making me feel this way, or the major jet lag I’m experiencing after getting no sleep in the last 48 (I think :S) hours. But I just feel so enlightened… I guess you never really appreciate that overall meditative, serene feeling you can get just from a change of your settings. I actually sat here, watching the sun go down behind the abyss of crowded traffic, perpetual state of construction, and (admittedly) overwhelming noise and people traffic that comprises this city that LITERALLY never sleeps. I guess those two last statements almost contradicted themselves- how can noise pollution and crowdedness be meditating, relaxing? I donno, I guess I just feel most in my comfort zone when I can feel life around me, pulsating. Maybe in a weird way I take solace in knowing that people just simply exist, irrespective of what I do or how anyone else lives… people just are…

Not to mention, I now know what euphoria feels like, as I just learned I get WiFi access here!
Gaah… this is starting off a goood note..

08 June 2010

Bon Voyage

As I sit here backing up my Macbook files/painting my nails/paying off bills/getting some last doses of Canadian TV amidst the chaotic mess a week's worth of packing has left in my room, I cannot help but come back to write some last thoughts before I head out into the unknown (haha),
In 2 hours I will be sitting aboard a Lufthansa 18 hour flight headed to Cairo, Egypt with a stopover in Frankfurt. My mother is still erratically trying to stuff into our already overpacked luggage the last of the gifts for the 4000 cousins we suddenly have, as my sister runs up the international minutes booking hotel rooms we somehow overlooked. As the minutes draw closer I'm crossing off TO-DO list points at a more rapid pace; as I sit here typing and multi-functioning I'm crossing off tasks over-excitedly.

Sooo, off the top of my head I'm gonna miss
- sleeping in my own bed
- The Hills and The City
- my bookshelf (+ the solace I take in my personal library)
- Creamsicles!
- late summer nights w/my homays
- wind + being able to breathe (humid place, Egypt is)
- sidewalks & sophisticated traffic systems

... among various food items.

Anyways, I'm hoping this trip is all I wanna make it out to be. I'm filled with fond memories of summers spent in this exotic, far off yet home-y land and I can only hope there will be that much adventure packed into the next two months. I haven't been back in a couple of years, and indeed I am diving into this trip with the mindset of a meditative, overworked, appreciative university student.
So, fellow explorers:
May you brave treacherous social conditions, uncooperative weather, unbearably intimidating opportunities and rebellious plans to have

.. see you all in August, yet I'll be with you in spirit on here...

07 June 2010

prescriptions for Life

"If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies;

Succeed anyway"

06 June 2010

visual diary?

Sooo, my blackberry is always by my side.
Sometimes things happen, and then I happen to catch them on my blackberry.

my visual diary.

01 June 2010

30 62 Day Challenge?

So let me just come out and say: over the past few weeks, as school ended, the number of inhaled blunts became countless, and my daily rituals almost always involved cannabis consumption, I thought what if I stopped fucking with Mary J for a pre-planned period of time? Thus, the 30 day challenge was born!

Now, before all you pot enthusiasts jump down my throat, and before I get phone calls from all my closest friends and confidants telling me I've lost my marbles, I guess I owe an explanation. I, like scores of people I know and millions of people around the world, often enjoy sitting back, relaxing with a close friend or a group of 'em and smoking on that "la". I'll smoke when I'm bored and there doesn't seem like there's anything else to do, I'll smoke when I'm pooped out and exhausted after work, I'll smoke right before going out to eat or to enhance a movie-going experience- hell, I've even smoked a couple times on my break during lecture/work. What was a once-in-a-while experience slowly turned into a regular habit, naturalized into my day to day comings and goings.

To me, smoking sessions represent a vast number of things. They are sometimes the only thing to liberate me from an extra exhausting day at work, or as a reward for pulling that all-nighter to produce an A paper. They are a way to enhance many activities that would otherwise (in my warped, pot-head mind) be boring, mundane, and normal (really though, would The Hangover or Borat have been that funny if I weren't stoned?). Above all, and mainly because I have never smoked by my lonesome and don't intend to, they are a highly socialized activity that have allowed me to link up with friends and peers who have otherwise extremely different lifestyles and interests. I've bonded with people over an especially intense smoking session and I've been able to see certain people more regularly because of this one mutual hobby.

Recently though, since school got out for the summer, I've found that I've been smoking more and more pot, spending waaay too much time/money/effort that I simply cannot afford. It's to the point where I will wake up and during my daily morning meditations tell myself "Today I will not smoke". That is easier said than done, because surely by the end of the night some occasion calling for a joint, or some long lost stoner friend will give me a call. It's slowly replacing any activity I once treasured...
Looking back at my increasing cannabis consumption makes me think of all the things I've stood to lose: dates, study sessions, protests and fundraisers, even exams and essays that were completely ignored "Because I got high"...
I envy the 17 and 18 year old me that could take weed in doses (no pun intended)- once in a while, casually.
So, I decided if one of my "alchy" friends could give up the booze for 30 days, why not try living a month or so of my summer without my comrade-turned-crutch, Mary J?
Then I figured, since I'll be leaving for the summer and going to a country in which I have no dealer connects, and in which drug possession is punishable by execution, why not try the "challenge" then? As an added bonus, I'll be there for 2 months so that'll definitely be more downtime..

With that, I say to all you pot smokers: SMOKE ON!
I'll keep you posted with my "progress"...