08 June 2010

Bon Voyage

As I sit here backing up my Macbook files/painting my nails/paying off bills/getting some last doses of Canadian TV amidst the chaotic mess a week's worth of packing has left in my room, I cannot help but come back to write some last thoughts before I head out into the unknown (haha),
In 2 hours I will be sitting aboard a Lufthansa 18 hour flight headed to Cairo, Egypt with a stopover in Frankfurt. My mother is still erratically trying to stuff into our already overpacked luggage the last of the gifts for the 4000 cousins we suddenly have, as my sister runs up the international minutes booking hotel rooms we somehow overlooked. As the minutes draw closer I'm crossing off TO-DO list points at a more rapid pace; as I sit here typing and multi-functioning I'm crossing off tasks over-excitedly.

Sooo, off the top of my head I'm gonna miss
- sleeping in my own bed
- The Hills and The City
- my bookshelf (+ the solace I take in my personal library)
- Creamsicles!
- late summer nights w/my homays
- wind + being able to breathe (humid place, Egypt is)
- sidewalks & sophisticated traffic systems

... among various food items.

Anyways, I'm hoping this trip is all I wanna make it out to be. I'm filled with fond memories of summers spent in this exotic, far off yet home-y land and I can only hope there will be that much adventure packed into the next two months. I haven't been back in a couple of years, and indeed I am diving into this trip with the mindset of a meditative, overworked, appreciative university student.
So, fellow explorers:
May you brave treacherous social conditions, uncooperative weather, unbearably intimidating opportunities and rebellious plans to have

.. see you all in August, yet I'll be with you in spirit on here...

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