10 June 2010

Greetings from the sunny side


Half an hour into the flight I’ve already had 4 shots of the Malibu Rum we’ve bought at the duty-free shop. I’m already craving a milkshake and a juicy burger, but the impressive movie selection keeps me occupied from missing anything else. I also foolishly packed my iPod Touch in one of my checked in bags, and I’m suddenly craving a Drake fix. The flight crew is overly friendly, and I wonder why one of the attendants keeps offering my seat neighbour (mommy) glasses of champagne.
Watching out of the window as we took off from Toronto was one of the most significant images I’ve seen in a while. The CN tower was clearly visible, and the contrasting lakes surrounding the building clusters was a scene only really appreciated at a view from the top….

(pictures will be up anytime now)


I’m sitting here on the balcony in Cairo, jamming to some Bob Marley joints while smoking a joint (yeeea, stop judging!) and I wish everyone could see this view.

I don’t know if it’s that Middle Eastern hash making me feel this way, or the major jet lag I’m experiencing after getting no sleep in the last 48 (I think :S) hours. But I just feel so enlightened… I guess you never really appreciate that overall meditative, serene feeling you can get just from a change of your settings. I actually sat here, watching the sun go down behind the abyss of crowded traffic, perpetual state of construction, and (admittedly) overwhelming noise and people traffic that comprises this city that LITERALLY never sleeps. I guess those two last statements almost contradicted themselves- how can noise pollution and crowdedness be meditating, relaxing? I donno, I guess I just feel most in my comfort zone when I can feel life around me, pulsating. Maybe in a weird way I take solace in knowing that people just simply exist, irrespective of what I do or how anyone else lives… people just are…

Not to mention, I now know what euphoria feels like, as I just learned I get WiFi access here!
Gaah… this is starting off a goood note..

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