01 June 2010

30 62 Day Challenge?

So let me just come out and say: over the past few weeks, as school ended, the number of inhaled blunts became countless, and my daily rituals almost always involved cannabis consumption, I thought what if I stopped fucking with Mary J for a pre-planned period of time? Thus, the 30 day challenge was born!

Now, before all you pot enthusiasts jump down my throat, and before I get phone calls from all my closest friends and confidants telling me I've lost my marbles, I guess I owe an explanation. I, like scores of people I know and millions of people around the world, often enjoy sitting back, relaxing with a close friend or a group of 'em and smoking on that "la". I'll smoke when I'm bored and there doesn't seem like there's anything else to do, I'll smoke when I'm pooped out and exhausted after work, I'll smoke right before going out to eat or to enhance a movie-going experience- hell, I've even smoked a couple times on my break during lecture/work. What was a once-in-a-while experience slowly turned into a regular habit, naturalized into my day to day comings and goings.

To me, smoking sessions represent a vast number of things. They are sometimes the only thing to liberate me from an extra exhausting day at work, or as a reward for pulling that all-nighter to produce an A paper. They are a way to enhance many activities that would otherwise (in my warped, pot-head mind) be boring, mundane, and normal (really though, would The Hangover or Borat have been that funny if I weren't stoned?). Above all, and mainly because I have never smoked by my lonesome and don't intend to, they are a highly socialized activity that have allowed me to link up with friends and peers who have otherwise extremely different lifestyles and interests. I've bonded with people over an especially intense smoking session and I've been able to see certain people more regularly because of this one mutual hobby.

Recently though, since school got out for the summer, I've found that I've been smoking more and more pot, spending waaay too much time/money/effort that I simply cannot afford. It's to the point where I will wake up and during my daily morning meditations tell myself "Today I will not smoke". That is easier said than done, because surely by the end of the night some occasion calling for a joint, or some long lost stoner friend will give me a call. It's slowly replacing any activity I once treasured...
Looking back at my increasing cannabis consumption makes me think of all the things I've stood to lose: dates, study sessions, protests and fundraisers, even exams and essays that were completely ignored "Because I got high"...
I envy the 17 and 18 year old me that could take weed in doses (no pun intended)- once in a while, casually.
So, I decided if one of my "alchy" friends could give up the booze for 30 days, why not try living a month or so of my summer without my comrade-turned-crutch, Mary J?
Then I figured, since I'll be leaving for the summer and going to a country in which I have no dealer connects, and in which drug possession is punishable by execution, why not try the "challenge" then? As an added bonus, I'll be there for 2 months so that'll definitely be more downtime..

With that, I say to all you pot smokers: SMOKE ON!
I'll keep you posted with my "progress"...

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