28 May 2010

Prescriptions for Life

"Keep your words sweet and tender, TOMMOROW YOU MIGHT HAVE TO EAT EM!"

- Rev Run

25 May 2010

Endless Summer Nights

So clearly I haven't  been updating this for a while now (comparatively speaking, it actually has not been that long, but I do wanna keep it regular).
So the past week has been absolutely HECTIC. Between pulling it together for my best friend's birthday weekend, packing for Egypt, doing back-to-back long shifts at work, linking up with people I haven't seen since high school, partying like the most seasoned rock star, and trying to catch rays of the sun, my blackberry turned its back on me this morning...

Today good ol' Blackberry reminded me of someone's birthday. Not just any somebody, someone whom I had held in high esteem, a very near and dear person. Normally I wouldn't have even needed the stupid reminder to remember this particular birthday, and indeed I'm utterly confused as to why I even added it to my agenda. Anyway, I recently had a falling out of sorts with this person, and I have not seen or heard from him in a while. It's just funny that one such insignificant thing could change your mood for the day. All of a sudden I'm gripped by nostalgia and wonder- is he doing well? Is everything falling together for him? Is he the same good friend who once filled the void of someone to understand me when no one else could? But most of all, I found myself wondering: Does he look at our once wholesome relationship with the tender affection of someone who misses their friend? Or is it all bitter memories, exchanging of words with our mutual friends?

The irony, I suppose, is the most delicious part of this. 5 months ago, as I eagerly waited for said friend to show up at my birthday party, I was definitely let down, albeit through, lets say, difficult-to-avoid circumstances (notice I didn't say impossible?). I may have overreacted, but I was actually shocked that of all the people to show up, one of my best friends hadn't really attempted to... Now, on the day of his birthday, it looks like we wont we celebrating after all.

Anyways, I suppose in the grander scheme of things it does not at all matter. He, no doubt, is living his life, and hopefully will have a good, memorable birthday. I too am far too occupied to pause and review things, and in a week it wont matter, because a 3 month absence could leave a damper on even the most closest, intimate friendships. The point is, life goes on. People change, people come and go, people are replaced. But, despite what they say, its not always easy to realize who is worth attempting to hold on to and who should just be let go.
I guess this is just a note of advice for everyone: fuck the decisions that your friends influence you to make, always be aware of what your friend and family relations are doing to you AND not doing to you, and don't have stupid fallings out with the people in your life who remind you of who you are. But most of all, don't keep people around because its convenient to have them, or hard to cut ties with...

Happy Birthday sonny, hope you enjoy it in the best way you can!

16 May 2010

Exploring the Globe

All my friends would agree that I'm a big travel buff, a restless soul on an eternal search for something, somewhere. I spend countless hours fantasizing about far off, exotic places I'd like to visit, and hidden gems, tucked away and forgotten by even the most avid traveller. My parents were wonderful enough to fill my childhood/teenage years with regular trips and I'm so grateful to have had the love of travel- the wonder, curiosity, and desire to explore new places- instilled in me since yay high. Everytime I take a trip, whether its a roadtrip or a one-on-one experience with Mama Nature, I'm filled with awe and wonder all over again, and a strong urge to see what else lies beneath the immediate vision of my day-to-day life. I'll always be a big city girl, and indeed I feel a sense of peace when I'm thrust amidst the loud noise, busy nightlife, and non-stop human movements in NYC, Montreal, or Cairo. At the same time, the side of me that remains in tune with nature treasures camping in Northern Ontario, beach-hopping in Miami, and scuba diving in the Red Sea. My trips have helped create a stock pile of memories for me, like the first time I saw the pyramids of Giza- the shock, amazement and sheer admiration of civilization I immediately felt. Or the sentimentality and overall feelings of interest when I first arrived in Paris and glimpsed the "Tour d'Effiel". I cherish ATV-ing and mountain-climbing in the deserts of Sinai, and can never forget the first time I watched the sunrise from my view atop a mountain.

The experiences I've had and activities I've participated in while abroad surely compose the passion I have for travelling around. At the same time though, a huge part of this passion is brought on by my inquenchable, infinite curiosity to see the day-to-day lives of other people through their eyes. Human cultures excite my senses, and when I'm surrounded by ones that I'm not accustomed to I try to shed any feelings of disturbance, superiority, or guilt which I may knowingly/unknowingly have. Instead, I try to embrace different peoples, see what I may learn from their lives and customs. Most of all, it constantly reminds me of one inescapable fact: that no matter what part of the globe you call home, no matter how you live and who you are, deep down we share the common experience, the beautiful struggle, of being human...

Airplane Fever

thanks for reminding me what amazingly talented performers these two are, ronnice!


...if you don't know, google them asap.

13 May 2010

Sole Survivor

I was watching the news yesterday, when a specific story jumped out at me: an Afriqiyah Airlines flight crashed right before its landing at the Tripoli Airport in Libya. The flight was en route from Johannesburg, South Africa and a recorded 104 passengers and crew all perished. They are currently investigating the cause behind the plane's combustion, but officials have called it "an accident".

What really stuck out to me, and most observers of this particular case, was the fact that the ONLY survivor onboard the doomed flight was a 10-year-old Dutch boy. Of the 105 people onboard the flight, by some "miracle" (and I use that term loosely), this young boy was the only person found alive, with broken legs. 
I was instantly touched by this detail. It was like something straight out of a Final Destination flick, or a bestselling novel. I can only image the heavy, impending feeling of doom as you realize that not only have you been involved in a plane crash that took away your parents, but that everyone else onboard- that old lady with the loud snoring down the aisle, that crying baby whose earned his parents some sneers from the other passengers, that young, newly engaged couple who can't seem to get enough of one another- all gone, leaving you alone to deal with the emotional aftermath, the survivor's guilt. Once the dust has settled and you realize that fate's  ugly hands have torn away your family and there's nothing else to be done, there's that unavoidable feeling of purpose. By virtue of being the sole survivor, you necessarily start questioning why. You weigh out the facts and slowly become wrapped up in the idea that there was some sort of divine intervention, some reason for you to have been the only survivor. Still though, I can imagine the terrifying thoughts, the relentless nightmares that transport you back to the fateful day you and your family decided to do what millions of people do everyday: board a plane to reach their destination...


Another clip of Beck Motley, "doin' shit like it was nothing, lazy"...

(please don't mind all the screaming females and the weird camera movements at the end"


Committed to the power,
Committed to the green,
I mean no caeser.

Mannie "Beck Motley" of the Airplane Boys tearing down his acapella at DJ Scuffs Presents: "Local Sounds" inside Suba.

10 May 2010

My visual agenda

As I sit here tryna figure out my schedule for the week, a futile task since anyone could agree I'm never on schedule but always on time, I'm reflecting on the past week. How eventful it was, the palette of different experiences I dabbled in, and the fulfilling opportunities I had to hook up with old friends, new friends and family...

  • Monday: Downtown Inspirations
To start my week off right, I met up with Bianca and Sheldon downtown. We scanned downtown, had lunch, brainstormed ideas for Bianca's upcoming photoshoot, and even had a chance to be entertained and impressed by a street-performing magician. To wrap the night off, we had a profound conversation which gave me a whole new set of perspectives and overall solidified why I trust these two kiddo's and why Bee is more than a best friend, she's my sister.

  • Tuesday: Wing Chun
Now this was by far one of the most unexpected things I had a chance to do this week. After seeing the weather forecast and deciding to abort our beach mission, Bee and I met up anyway, walked to Thompson Park and lit up while being rudely interrupted by various species of wildlife. After getting stoned, we tagged along with her uncle, a vigorous Tai Chi and Kung Fu practicer. Little did we know, we'd be sitting in on an all-male, advanced Wing Chun class. As we were informed, Wing Chun is a type of Kung Fu developed over 250 years ago in China as a response to the outlawing of all weapons. It was created by choosing the most efficient Kung Fu techniques, and passed on by the only surviving Grand Master- a female. 
 Now I've gotta admit, Bee and I were a little intimidated by everyone's extensive knowledge of the sophisticated movements, but we participated in the meditative "warm-up", and then watched the men put their style to combat. Plus, the instructor was pretty hot...

  • Wednesday: Karaoke Night 
After a night of hard work at the Red Stick, I headed on over to Boston Pizza to meet with a couple of friends at Boston Pizza for their weekly Karaoke Night. Scooners were $7, a lot of people came out, and the dudes hosting the karaoke were pretty funny. Various pints later we found ourselves singing along to classic Bob Marley, Abba, and Spice Girls songs. I wasn't drunk enough to make it to the mic, but I sure had fun watching everyone else give it a shot. I cheered along enthusiastically as a couple friends swooned "Weeee are the champions..."

  • Thursday: Beelicious Bake Sale 
The day was finally here! On Thursday, Bianca held her first Beelicious Treats Bake Sale. Before work I had the pleasure of stopping by and helping her prep the sales area, draw in curious passerby's, and spread the word. Her treats were so visually appealing with their exclusive designs, bright colours, and incorporation of toppers that people couldn't help but be drawn to her "kiosk". While I was there a dude was happy to buy a tray of cupcakes! Needless to say, Bee successfully sold out her treats and helped promote her new company. Unfortunately, I had to leave pretty early to make it work, but not without buying a tray of cupcakes to share with all my co-workers!

  • Friday: Shop Till I Drop
Friday night blues? Nothing fixes those like a quick downtown shopping spree before work. I picked up some cool sunglasses and a bunch of additions to my summer wardrobe! Unfortunately, I hadn't checked out the weather forecast and ended up caught up in a huge rain/thunder storm. A combination of lightening, high winds and pouring rain successfully soaked me to the core and I had the pleasure (uugh) of riding the rocket with a bunch of other wet, smelly people.

  • Saturday: Local Sounds
After working all day and having a restless sleep the night before, Bee and I jetted to Suba, at College and Spadina in time to watch our friends perform at "DJ Scuffs Presents: Local Sounds". The night involved a showcase of local hip hop talents from around the city. The lineup included The Lego Gang, Mike Dara, Rez Rida, Teddy F. House, The Airplane Boys, Element, and a couple of others. I was thoroughly entertained by the Lego Gang's flashy, energetic performance (save for a couple of audio glitches that made it difficult at times to get the full impact of their fun music. I was happy to run into many familiar faces and spend the night with some of my dear old friends. The highlight for me personally was watching my friends Mannie "Beck Motley" and Jay "Bon Voyage" of The Airplane Boys rip it on stage. A combination of their high energy levels, incorporation of jazz and rock n roll elements, funky rapping styles, and sophisticated lyrics resulted in their clear passion for delivering an unforgettable performance. Beck Motley's acapella delivery left even the most hardened "hood hip-hop" fan impressed. Their live band, which included two electric guitarists and a keyboard player,  helped lend their performance an appealing, unique flavour and I was pleased to overhear various conversations of satisfied, brand new fans. 
Check out their music at http://www.myspace.com/theairplaneboys

  • Sunday: Momma's Day!
Ahhh Sunday, the universal (?) day of rest. My day was filled with a physically exhausting, long day at work and fatigue from the last night's 3 am jog in -3 weather, paired with the 5 hours of sleep I got. I jetted home on my break to give my mom her mother's day surprise, then returned to work. I soon forgot all my woes when I was finally able to go home and spend the night with my mommy, whom I deeply adore, admire, respect, and am inspired by regularly. My mom is my personal Wonder Woman and she never ceases to instill in me valuable life lessons about what it means to by a strong, independent, charming and compassionate woman in this day and age.
Happy Mother's Day to all the new mommies, all your mommies, and all the women who hold our world together!

08 May 2010

"All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small."
Lao Tzu 

07 May 2010

Dose of Reality: take four times daily.

Eventually we all have to come to a point when we realize that some things are out of our hand, difficult to change (to say the least) and even more difficult to control. For example, I'm never gonna be runway model- my 5"4 frame and typically "Egyptian nose" do not fit this generation's standard of beauty. I'm never gonna be a brain surgeon (at least in this life time)- I'm allergic to mathematics, memorization and being in school for 10 years. I, like so many other Torontonians, am never gonna know the pleasure (?) of going to sleep each and every night underneath glittering stars. And finally, if there's any hope of me making it anywhere, the responsibility, hard work, and determination required to get to that metaphorical somewhere will rest solely on my shoulders.

I've never been handed anything. No one has ever given me a dime I haven't worked for, a good mark I haven't toiled over to earn, or a free ride of any kind. There are those critics (who on a regular basis remind me I must be doing something right) who are quick to say that I may have ridden my good looks and/or exploited my different connections. There are those who say I'm spoiled rotten. Indeed, I have been lucky enough to be well taken care of, maybe even babied, by my doting parents and I would be lying if I said they don't do more than enough for me. But with that same token, they never ceased to remind me the value of hard work and persistence. I've had a job since the ninth grade, and even till now my parents find a deeper moral in choosing not to pay for my schooling. Speaking as someone who immigrated here from Egypt and never quite bought that "melting pot" theory they keep pushing at us, I understand what it is like to literally start from nothing.
I came to Toronto when I was a baby, but growing up my straight-forward, often brutally honest parents never forgot to remind me regularly what it was like immigrating here. My parents, both university graduates and successful in their respective fields, landed at Pearson Airport 20 years ago (almost to the day) with a $50 bill in their pocket. Through humbling jobs that I'm certain they didn't enjoy, persistence, a good work and savings ethic, and most of all HARD WORK, here we are. They can now proudly say they've bought a house and a car, taken an envious amount of vacations, successfully participated in the real estate market by buying and selling various properties in Egypt, and help ensure that both of their kids are healthy, full and busy.

To me, my parents define SUCCESS. I admire them more than they'll ever know and am deeply awed, humbled, and grateful for all the sacrifices I have watched them make. I know I have ragged on them a lot for things they failed to provide to me as a child, and I'll never forgive myself for all those nights I sat comparing our personal possessions to those of my more fortunate friends. It is their personal success story, their ultimate American Canadian Dream narrative and the overall outcome of their choices and sacrifices that will stay behind in my memory when the unforgiving hands of time pull everything else away...

Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself...

06 May 2010

I wanna be a billionaire

Finally, we get the video for one of my personal faves to be released as of recently: Travis Mccoy ft. Bruno Mars for Travie's single, Billionare. Let me say, I am suuuuper hyped for his album Lazarus, coming early June and I am quite pleased that it will be one of my last purchased albums before I head away to Egypt this summer.
I am completely in love with the whole vibe of the video- the feel-good, laid back summer beach theme is one I commonly find in my imagination. Anyone who knows me would swear that in a previous life I was a dread-locked, surfing beach bum. The visuals really compliment the track, and help tell the story of an ambition we all have brewing deep inside: the hopes of one day striking it rich. After watching the video I'm left with the satisfying feeling of what I would will do when I have my own fortune. I gotta say, I'm content with the fact that they chose to omit the scantily-clad video vixens, dollar bill showers, and luxury race cars that some would associate with being a billionaire in the music industry. Bruno Mars doesn't cease to amaze me with his vocals, and I love the way the acoustics match the whole vibe. The video left me with the sudden urge to gather my closest friends, grab a beer/cooler case, and head on down to the beach, gathering around a bonfire as we share silly ambitions and laugh at different routes we've taken in our search for success....

Enjoy! This is for that hustler/dreamer in all of us...

04 May 2010

The Birth of an Ambition: BEELICIOUS TREATS

This weekend I had the absolute privilege of working with my best friend Bee, of course with the help of Lego Gang's RETRO (hollaaa), and her cousin Daniel, to bake up some delicious concoctions for the Toronto Freedom March...

Recently, my best friend Bianca Deabreau
, the creative genius behind Beelicious Treats, and I were hanging out on a normal Friday afternoon, getting stoned and commenting about the strangeness of our lives, when we came up with a brilliant plan. Why not start a baking company catering to all walks of life? It was foolproof- combine our love of sweet munchies, Bee's passion for baking and artistic eye, and start a new hustle? With that came the birth of Beelicious Treats.

Bianca, who recently had a change of heart and has decided to enroll in the Culinary Arts program at her school (George Brown), is taking this project very seriously. With the recent success of her Baked-Cookie Sale at the Freedom March (get it?), she has decided to launch a new bake sale this Thursday May 6. I'll post the details at the bottom, make sure you come out and satisfy all your cravings! She has a ton of ideas she's working on, and a promotional photoshoot scheduled later on this month. I can truly say I admire her passion, work ethic, and the eagerness she has adopted to make this dream come true. I can definitely see a cute little bakery/cupcake boutique in her future.

"Beelicious Treats is here to gratify your cravings  with our mouthwatering baked goods. We cater to birthdays, weddings, big and small company events, and any occasion that calls for a feel-good, satisfying taste. Try our selection of cookies, cakes and cupcakes, traditional desserts, and sweet dishes. Ask about our special "Stoner's Menu" for a truly appealing experience. Made with tremendous quality and a personalized, home-made zest, we specialize in delivering an unforgetful, “beelicious” taste that will satisfy the sweet tooth in everyone."

Like I said, look out for more of these "beelicious" treats. Come out to the official Beelicious Spring Bake Sale this Thursday may 6, between 3-6 pm at 1385 Midland Ave. East to scoop some tasty little treats! Hell, bring some home to mama for a sweet early Mother's Day Gift. And MAKE SURE you give Bianca a shout for all your baking needs.
Congrats, and GO GET 'EM GIRL!

  • Beelicious Treats
  • Bianca Deabreau
  • 647 405 1114
  • deabreau_b@hotmail.com
  • fb: beesWORLD
  • twitter: beesWORLD_

4 am ramblings..

Its 4 am and the rain has started pouring. Guess CP24 wasn't completely off this time. And yeah, I definitely added that rain detail for a little more depth and drama. Why am I still up at this time you ask in your judgmental tones (haha, kidding)? Well lets just say I have a lot on my mind and I'm having a grand time stomaching some of the things I've thought about today. I spent a great part of the afternoon hanging out with my sister, a.k.a best friend, a.k.a partner in crime, a.k.a dream-chaser, a.k.a Bee (anca) and her cousin and my friend Sheldon. We made use of the beautiful, sunny day by walking all across downtown, window-shopping, checking out Bee's new apartment, brainstorming, and trying (unsuccessfully) to eat on a patio. But more importantly, we did a lot of talking up until a few hours ago. I have a lot of respect for these two individuals, and I truly believe they have the ambition, drive and full potential to fulfill their dreams. Let me just say, I thoroughly appreciate the series of revelations they helped inspire today and rest-assured guys, they will not be lost on me...
We spoke about a lot of things. We lamented on the sadness of individuals who fail to recognize their own talents, or even worse, those who are too scared to put their talents to use for fear of failure (cough cough). They made a lot of great points and many of them particularly stick out in my mind. For example, I now realize that we have youth on our side, and this may be the only point in our lives we have the luxury of starting from nothing- we can simply carve our own path, set up our own goals, and chase our dreams to wherever they may lead us. I also now realize that the feeling of wondering and regret at not attempting something will inevitably always outweigh the possible disappointment that may come from not succeeding 100% at everything you try. Furthermore, I left with the renewed feeling that the universe, the cosmos, your soul, God- WHATEVER THAT INESCAPABLE AURA IS- is on your side.
Once again, I wanna thank you guys oh so much for helping steer me into a new direction. I am grateful that I have people in my life who once again allow me to be who I am, and encourage me to live my life for me. JUST ME, no one else.