04 May 2010

4 am ramblings..

Its 4 am and the rain has started pouring. Guess CP24 wasn't completely off this time. And yeah, I definitely added that rain detail for a little more depth and drama. Why am I still up at this time you ask in your judgmental tones (haha, kidding)? Well lets just say I have a lot on my mind and I'm having a grand time stomaching some of the things I've thought about today. I spent a great part of the afternoon hanging out with my sister, a.k.a best friend, a.k.a partner in crime, a.k.a dream-chaser, a.k.a Bee (anca) and her cousin and my friend Sheldon. We made use of the beautiful, sunny day by walking all across downtown, window-shopping, checking out Bee's new apartment, brainstorming, and trying (unsuccessfully) to eat on a patio. But more importantly, we did a lot of talking up until a few hours ago. I have a lot of respect for these two individuals, and I truly believe they have the ambition, drive and full potential to fulfill their dreams. Let me just say, I thoroughly appreciate the series of revelations they helped inspire today and rest-assured guys, they will not be lost on me...
We spoke about a lot of things. We lamented on the sadness of individuals who fail to recognize their own talents, or even worse, those who are too scared to put their talents to use for fear of failure (cough cough). They made a lot of great points and many of them particularly stick out in my mind. For example, I now realize that we have youth on our side, and this may be the only point in our lives we have the luxury of starting from nothing- we can simply carve our own path, set up our own goals, and chase our dreams to wherever they may lead us. I also now realize that the feeling of wondering and regret at not attempting something will inevitably always outweigh the possible disappointment that may come from not succeeding 100% at everything you try. Furthermore, I left with the renewed feeling that the universe, the cosmos, your soul, God- WHATEVER THAT INESCAPABLE AURA IS- is on your side.
Once again, I wanna thank you guys oh so much for helping steer me into a new direction. I am grateful that I have people in my life who once again allow me to be who I am, and encourage me to live my life for me. JUST ME, no one else.

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