06 February 2011

Mother- Daughter date > O.C style!

So what if my guilty pleasure is junky "reality" TV shows? Is there something so wrong about tuning in to Jersey Shore ever week, soaking in The Real Housewives whenever I see it, or being glued to A & E for hours on end? Don't even let me get started about The Real World...
But this isn't really about my obsession with poorly-scripted TV shows masquerading as reality, but moreso about a specific episode I was watching.

Let me just start by saying, in no way do I take any of my moral cues from the cast of The Real Housewives: Orange County. If a snapshot could speak on the decline and decay of America on all fronts, the land where people literally over-consume till they die, it would probably be shot of these ladies (see picture).

But all that aside, while I was getting my weekly dose of O.C reruns in, I saw a moment in a particular episode that made me cringe.

In the episode, one of the characters (Lynn) goes on a "plastic surgery date" with her daughter- she to get (wait for this): a facelift, browlift and necklift, and her daughter to get a nose job. Did I mention the daughter just turned 18?
Its a little unnerving to see a mother encouraging and aiding her daughter in becoming obsessed with beauty ideals that are not real. And at such a young age? I'm sorry- whatever happened to mothers telling their daughters that they're perfect just the way they are? That stupid little imperfections make them the perfect versions of themselves? That rather than spending so much time and efforts on trying vainly to look flawless, they could be, like, I donno- saving the world or something?
I'm so happy to have been raised the way I was- millionaire spawn or not. At least I've been able to equip myself with ideals that are more true to me...

But what do Lynn and the rest of the cast think about encouraging your kids to be shallow and rely on surgery whenever something isn't perfect?
I guess Alexis put it best- she had unsuccessfully tried forcing her 2-year-old twin daughters to sit through manicures & pedicures.  She said "I think it's important to teach them about taking care of themselves."
Thats right, O.C Housewives, the real lessons of life lie in being able to keep up your physical appearance at all costs.
Now excuse me while I go get some ass implants....

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