I mean the characters themselves are all weirdos. There was that crazy chick from Real World: Denver who kept having emotional break downs, this homosexual dude on Real World: New Orleans who managed to piss off every roommate at least once, that mulatto coke-doin' chick from Real World: Hollywood and the 3-stooges from Real World: Sydney who ganged up on Parisa in the finest example of "Mean Girls" ideology that I've seen since high school. I think the only character I may have even marginally related to was that dude Greg, the viewer's pick on the Hollywood season. And for a dude who called his love interests his "associates", attempted to steal a roomate's girl from right under his nose, and refused to participate in any roommate-bonding activities, thats pretty sad...
The point is though, unlike my Jerry Springer experience (in which I absolutely and whole-heartedly dissolved any endorsement I had for the show upon realizing its all an act), I'm still gonna watch the Real World. I find it entertaining and funny, at rare, fleeting moments even uplifting. I like comparing my initial impressions of the characters to who they reveal themselves to be, I like watching who will fight over the next prank that was taken too far, and I especially enjoy the sick psychoanalysis I force each character to go undergo when I first "meet" them...
(one of the infamous Real World fights)
hmm, maybe I would be a good addition to the cast after all...
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