16 October 2010

"Life is your best teacher"

You gotta look at everything in life as a learning experience to reap the full benefits of it...

I say this with the unusual, inexplicable bout of positive energy that I would imagine a death row inmate has has he walks into his fate...

I understand this "predicament" I'm in would seem trivial in comparison, but the same sentiments are there, nonetheless. Its one of those rare moments in life one allows themself to realize that some events, experiences, results and occurrences in life are out of control. Indeed, right now all I can do is walk into my fate, accept it with high-held head, with the utter satisfaction of someone who knows all they can do is sit back and watch.

I do know, though that (cliché as it sounds) we all have the power to control HOW we handle these incontrollable instances. And this morning as I begrudgingly got ready pre-sunrise and scrambled down to this station, I proved that to myself. An innocent, wandering thought momentarily took shape in my head: this was the first time I'd taken the GO Bus anywhere, let alone Oshawa....

So, let the learning experiences keep comin'!!!

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