06 April 2010

I wanna be on the cover of Forbes magazine...

So ever since I heard this song, it quickly became #1 on my everyday playlist. I mean, Bruno Mars's voice is just so magical on it...it sounds uber soulful and melodic with the fun acoustic beat. Plus, Travis has been one of my biggest celeb crushes since Gym Class Heroes.
Beyond that, though, lays the overall message of the song. It's so easy nowadays for any of the mainstream artists to sing/rap/flaunt the millions of dollars they make from people like us buying their albums, ringtones, concert tickets, and latest product that they promote. But rarely do we hear them share their ambitions, the things that bring them back down to our level and help us realize that deep down we're all the same-we aspire for something bigger.
This song is my morning wake-up song. It just gives me a positive start and puts me in the mood to go out there and carpe diem. By the time I'm sinking into bed at night, I will have played it several times on the car stereo, iPod, and Macbook. Oh yea, not to mention it's my current ringtone. When I hear Bruno and Travie talk about what they want to do and what they hope to create and become, it makes me think of my own goals and dreams.
I'm certain that become a billionaire is one of the top "goals" on everyone's list, but beyond having all that money there are all the things you could do-the utter and complete freedom to "pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt, and adopt a bunch of babies that aint never had shit", "shake hands with Oprah and the Queen", "play basketball with the President", even "toss a couple mill in the air just for the hell of it"...

As for me? What would I do if when I become a billionaire? I guess those ambitions are locked up somewhere in my deep, innermost thoughts, patiently waiting to formulate in front of me. They have yet to become seen, but I swear, the world better prepare for when I'm a billionaire...

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