20 February 2011

Trouble in paradise...

You ever look at a million shattered pieces of glass and think about how much that epitomizes your life?

How each jaggedly tempting shard represents a piece of your life, once harmoniously, seamlessly melded together to paint the perfect picture, yet fragile enough to threaten to fall apart at the slightest imbalance?

They say if you break a mirror, you will suffer the illfortune of 7 years. But what's to be said about the crushing of glass? Will you then be doomed to live 7-years-to-life of sharply disecting components?

Glass is ever so congruent to the lives we lead- millions of tiny imperfect particles, invisible to the naked eye. Visually they exist together to give the illusion of a perfectly smooth, excitingly shiny surface. Like glass, we come to life out of the most chaotic scenarios- created under a pressure and heat that later becomes unbearable. In fact, the slightest tension from any direction threatens to break us into a million tiny shards...

How many of us prevail through our day-to-day exsistence, emitting a perfectly smooth, deceivingly-seamless shiny glimmer? Beneath that false shine lay a million secrets, flaws, insecurities, regrets- imperfectionous shards threatening to crack and reveal themselves for what they are...

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