"It’s a means of communicating about injustice. It’s one means of getting a message across. The more people who learn about Israel’s crimes, the more who challenge the West’s blind backing of Israel – the quicker Israel’s incredibly sophisticated military machine will be undermined. The spray can is part of the spectrum of other creative, non-violent ways being undertaken by civil society to raise awareness, challenge historical narratives and overcome injustice..."
- William Parry
Is the spray can mightier than the sword?

The book features artwork from Banksy, Ron English, Blu and Palestinian artists and activists.
Here are some of the images from the wall, which has been recently called "the largest protest banner in the world":
Here's William Parry in a BBC interview from a few years back speaking on the book and some of the artwork on the wall (as pictured above)...
William Parry will be in Canada next month for a serious of lectures called Against the Wall: The Art of Resistance in Palestine.
go to www.cjpme.org/ for more info.
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