14 January 2011

30 Day Challenge: DAY 11: I hate...

Day 11: A picture of something you hate.

I HATE feeling under-, or un-appreciated. Whether it's in relationships, at work/school, or in any other aspect of my life, I hate when I don't get the praise or recognition I feel I deserve.
I mean, its not like I do favours just so people can owe me favours, or just for that self-righteous feeling of doing good, but when they go unnoticed its discouraging. 
My parents have never really been the type to pat me on the back everytime I did something good or exceeded at a task. In fact, my accomplishments are usually overshadowed by their persistent pushes that I do something better and beyond. 

Maybe that's why I over-kill the "thank-you"s... Hmm...

(p.s: finding a picture to express "unappreciation" is really difficult)

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