07 April 2010

Cloudy skies and & sags under the eyes

This morning I was ruuudely interrupted by the rain pouring in through my bedroom window, which I had SO cleverly left open, despite my habitual check up on the forecast last night. It wasn't the soft, gentle summer rain that you so graciously welcome after a hot weekend. No, this is "I'm gonna ruin your day", hike up those pants'n pull out the rainboots, thunder&lightening type of rain...
My first instinct is to let the raindrops continue permeating through the window screen and drip onto my face, rolling over every so often to let my pillows do the soaking.
Then I remember I have crap to do.
There's that research essay that's due tomorrow, which I have yet to select a topic for.
There's that test I should study for on Friday, which I haven't even read the multiple books for.
Gotta meet up with my writing centre for that 2:30 appointment I made a few weeks backs (why'd I do that?)
Though admittedly not high on the priority list, I promised a friend I would meet up with him downtown.
I should also stop neglecting my laundry, which has threatened to spill out of my closet's hamper and slowly take over my bedroom floor.
Then, of course there's that 7:00 Raptors/Celtics game I'm supposed to be attending with a couple of friends
(although after watching the news this morning and hearing about Chris Bosh's injury and subsequent sit-out from the game, I'm not sure if I should just take this one off the list all together)
Then, maaaybe I can work on a couple of posts...

Oh, how I love rainy Wednesday mornings! *eye rolling*


  1. Busy is the new Beautiful.

  2. If that's the case, I must be one of the "beautifullest" ladies out there :).


Pick my brain and leave some of yours!