29 March 2010

Life, I wonder...

I roll lazily out of bed, reaching for my blackberry to turn off it's harassing alarm (which has decided of aaall the days to choose Monday morning to go berserk on me). Pick up my laptop, crack open J. Cole's "The Warm Up" mixtape to get my day started.
Ahh, my day. My MonDAY. Back into the weekly routine of things. Soak in some misleading news via our good friends at CTV, select a quirky t-shirt from my vast collection, pack up a lunch void of any nutrients. Head downtown for my university classes, feign being a good student, smoke a joint or two throughout the day and end up right back where it all started- home. Make it to bed by 3:00 am after a couple hours of scrutinizing profile pictures on Facebook, entertaining myself with Twitter updates, and checking out the latest videos of "When Apes Attack" that YouTube has to offer. A sleepless hour or two tossing and turning before I finally manage to snooze off and return to the dream world, indeed, my favourite of all the worlds I occupy...

But it all hits me. Like a ton of bricks. Maybe half a ton, the impact wasn't that intense because it's been boiling up for a couple of years now. This is LIFE. This is my day to day reality. Your day to day reality. Its the same shit show, day in and day out. Or so it may appear. I've become increasingly disillusioned by my false sense of reality. Its like I've been bred to think that this is life . But, is it?
What if I were to wake up tomorrow in a completely different world- different setting, different people surrounding me, hell- different weather *crosses fingers for an island climate*... Is that life too?

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